Nernst mobility of holes in Bi2Te3


  • Sergey A. Nemov Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Grigorij V. Demyanov Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Alexey V. Povolotskiy Saint Petersburg State University



Bismuth telluride, hole conductivity, temperature dependence, specific electrical conductivity, thermopower coefficient, Hall coefficient, Nernst-Ettingshausen coefficient, hole scattering mechanism, Nernst mobility, acoustic phonons


This paper presents the results of a study of the electrical conductivity coefficient, the Hall coefficient, the Seebeck coefficient, the transverse Nernst-Ettingshausen coefficient and their anisotropy in a Bi2Te3 single crystal with a hole concentration p =1 × 1019 cm–3 at temperatures 77–350 К. It is established that hole scattering occurs mainly on long-wave acoustic phonons. Despite the fact thatthe chemical potential level is located near the top of the additional extreme of the valence band, no interband scattering was detected. The complex structure of the valence band is confirmed.


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Physics of Semiconductors