Numerical simulation of the dynamics of an electrically charged multifractional aerosol moving in a channel under the action of the Coulomb force and aerodynamic forces




numerical simulation, aerosols, polydisperse gas suspension, electrically charged media


This work focuses on mathematical modeling of the dynamics of an electrically charged aerosol in a channel. In particular, the study models the operation of an electric filter for dispersed media. To optimize technologies for electrical filtration of dispersed media, it is necessary to understand the regularities of the dynamics of charged dispersed particles in an electric field. The mathematical model is implemented as a computer program. The program code is a finite-difference numerical algorithm for solving the equations of a mathematical model. The simulated medium consists of two components: the first component is a viscous compressible heat-conducting gas, the dynamics of which is described using the system of Navier-Stokes equations; the second component is electrically charged particles. The mathematical model took into account the intercomponent exchange of momentum and heat. The disperse component of the aerosol was described taking into account the multifractional composition. Each fraction has its own particle size, density and heat capacity of the material. It was assumed in the work that an electric potential was applied to the channel walls: a negative potential was applied to the lower wall, while a positive potential was applied to the upper wall of the channel. Calculations of the motion of a multi-fraction electrically charged gas suspension in a channel are carried out. Two cases were considered. Case 1: all fractions of the dispersed aerosol component have the same physical density of the material and different particle sizes. Case 2: the particles have the same size and differ in the density of the material. It was found that with the same density of the material, the vertical velocity of the particle and the intensity of the deposition process are greater with increasing particle size. It was also found that with the same particle size, particles with a higher density of the material are more intensively deposited. The revealed regularities can be used in optimizing the technologies of electrical filtration of dispersed media.


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Theoretical Physics