Application of the complex electrical module method for the determination of the relaxation parameters of dielectrics with high electrical conductivity




electrical module, relaxation parameters, the Havriliak–Negami equation for the electrical module


The paper submits that the method of a complex electrical module allows to investigate the characteristics of relaxation processes in dielectrics having high electrical conductivity. The method makes it possible to determine the relaxation parameters of dielectrics when relaxation peaks are absent in the frequency dependence of dielectric losses ε”(f). In turn, relaxation peaks can be detected on the frequency dependences M”(f). In addition, a function graph M’(f) is plotted. Simultaneous approximation of the curves M”(f) and M’(f) in the frequency range corresponding to the maximum M” by the Havriliak–Negami equation for the electrical module makes it possible to determine the relaxation parameters α, β, τ0.


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Condensed Matter Physics