Electronic exchange between centres of iron in the vitreous arsenic selenide


  • Kudrat U. Bobokhuzhaev Tashkent Regional Сhirchik State Pedagogical Institute
  • Alla V. Marchenko Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9292-2541
  • Pavel P. Seregin Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia




dopant iron atoms, chalcogenide glass, electron exchange, Mössbauer spectroscopy


Iron atoms in vitreous arsenic selenide films form single electron donor centres, while the Fermi level shifts from the middle of the band gap to the bottom of the conduction band with an increase in the iron concentration due to the filling of single electron states of the acceptor type located below the Fermi level. The Mössbauer spectroscopy method was used to study the electronic exchange between ionised and neutral centres of iron in the glassy selenide of arsenic.


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Condensed Matter Physics